May 08, 2022

Introducing our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

Prioritizing youth through inclusivity, sustainability and taking care of one another

Executive Summary

Since 2000, Friends of the Children-Seattle (Friends-Seattle) continues to support youth with long-term dedicated mentorship.

As Friends-Seattle continues to navigate through the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the heightened awareness of addressing racism, it's even more critical that we are part of the solution. This means more intentionality around the inclusion of all our stakeholder voices and deepening our relationships within our community to ensure we can provide the right support in response to the current needs of youth and families.

This plan is the culmination of a 13-month planning process that involved gathering valuable input in collaboration with alumni, caregivers, staff, volunteers, donors, Ambassador Board (A-Board), and the Board of Directors (BoD).

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Over the next 3 years, our overall focus will be continuing to adjust to the many transitions we have experienced as a community and to reimagine our identity to continue to provide successful programming to our youth and families.

We will specifically focus our efforts on five main goals:

  • Be proactive to ensure sustainability of Friends-Seattle
  • Establish policies and processes that prioritize staff wellbeing and development
  • Be an organization grounded in equity
  • Center our programming around the voices of our youth and families
  • Develop long-term financial stability

Communicating Our Progress

The Strategic Planning Committee will meet quarterly to check in with leads for each goal and share progress with all internal and external stakeholders. You can hear updates about our strategies, tactics and progress toward each goal at our Quarterly Community Meetings.

Our next Community Meeting is Thursday, May 19th from 12-1PM on Zoom. Register today!